Welcome to Stephen Wong Marine Stock Photo Library website, www.stephenwong.com.

The Stephen Wong Marine Stock Photo Library image database is intended for commercial image buyers only. This site contains no royalty free images. All images are copyright protected with all rights reserved.  Please contact us at saiwong@netvigator.com for any of the site's and other desired images in mind.
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Stephen Wong is a full time Underwater Photojournalist.  He has a passion for marine animals, from a teeny common goby to a mammoth whale.  To improve the chances of finding and photographing the targeted subject, Stephen usually researches the animal's habitat and behavior beforehand.  Strange as it may be to some people, he also tries to communicate with the targeted animal, because Stephen truly believes this approach can be rewarding.

Background, Experience & Published Works

Stephen Wong was born in 1961, Hong Kong (HK) and later studied abroad 1975-1987 in Canada & USA.  Stephen has turned full time Marine Wildlife Photojournalist since 1997, and is now based in Hong Kong.  With over 30-year scuba diving experience, he took his first underwater photo in Palau 1990 and has been capturing underwater images for the past 15 years.  Also a well established marine photographer, Stephen’s wife, Takako Uno (www.takakouno.com) often assists him to locate and photograph underwater imageries.

Stephen Wong’s photographic works have been published in numerous periodicals & printed matters: BBC Wildlife (UK), Ocean Realm (USA), Fathoms (USA), Rodale’s Scuba Diving (USA), Discover Diving (USA), WildAid (USA & Asia), Dive Alert - DAN (USA), Scuba Diver (Australasia), Sport Diving (Australia), Nereus (Switzerland), Diving World (Japan), Diving Photography (Japan), Marine Photo (Japan), Diver (Japan), Sphere (Japan), PADI PJ-Report (Japan), Diver (Korea), New Zealand Dive Log (New Zealand), Dive Annual (New Zealand), Asian Diver (Singapore), FiNS (Singapore), Asian Geographic (Singapore), Decom Stop (Singapore), Nautique Magazine (Singapore), WE Environment + Travel (Singapore), The Straits Times (Singapore), Mundo Submerso (Portugal), Aquanaut (Germany), Natural History (China PRC), City Weekend Magazine (China PRC), Dive Dive Journal (HK), Sport Divers Journal (HK), Action Asia (HK), WWF-About Life (HK), China Tourism (HK), Diver (HK), Photog (HK), Varsity (Chinese University of HK), South China Morning Post (HK).

Current & Past Posts

Honorary Advisor for Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society

Contributor – Sport Diving (Australia)

Field Editor – Scuba Diver (Australasia)

Senior Contributor - FiNS (Singapore)

Contributing Editor – Sport Divers Journal (Hong Kong)

Contributor – Dive, Dive Journal (Hong Kong)

Stephen Wong’s Pictures have appeared Books and Displays

·        Co-author & photographer for 1996 Aquagraphic Publication book: “Sipadan-Mabul Islands”;

·        U/W images used in “Chinese Cetaceans” by Dr. Wang Peilie – published by Ocean Enterprises Ltd (China PRC) 1999;

·        U/W image appearing In “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” – Portfolio 9, published by Fountain Press of BBC Wildlife Magazine & The Natural History Museum with British Gas, UK, October 1999;

·        U/W image used in “Sea Fishes in Japan – a field encyclopedia” published by Gakken Books of Japan 2000;

·        U/W images display in Ocean Park (HK) & Petrosains Museum (K.L., Malaysia) & Nagoya Kou Aquarium (Nagoya, Japan).  Works often used by ad agencies, local magazines and newspapers;

·        U/W images used in “Photo Guide Indonesia Reef Fishes” by Rudie H. Kuiter & Takamasa Tonozuka – published by Zoonetics of Australia; first published in 2001;

·        Co-author & photographer for “Celebrate the Sea”, a 180-page coffee-table book by OceanNEnvironment in April 2002;

·        U/W images used in “Field Best Mammals” published by Gakken Books of Japan 2002;

·        U/W images & write-ups in “Whales & Dolphins Guide” by Ralf Kiefner – published by IKAN/Conch Books of Germany, November 2002;

·        U/W images & write-ups in “Whale Watching Guidebook” by Hiroya Minakuchi – published by TBS Britannica of Japan, November 2002;

·        U/W images in “BeiBuWan Rugen & HaiYangSheungWu (Northern Bay Dugong & Ocean Life)” by Deng Chao Bing – published by GuangXi KeXueJishu Publishing of China PRC, December 2002;

·        U/W image appearing in “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” – Portfolio 12, published by BBC Worldwide of UK, October 2002;

·        U/W images appearing in “The Blue Earth Underwater Photo Contest 1999-2003”, published by Marine Photo of Japan, April 2003;

·        U/W images used for cover and jacket in “Good Will Hunting” VCD by WildAid (Headquarter, USA), September 2003;

·        U/W image appearing in “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” – Portfolio 12, published by BBC Worldwide of UK, October 2003;

·        U/W image appearing in “The Skeletal System” by Teresa Domnauer – published by Smart Apple Media of USA, Jan 2004;

·        U/W images used in “Photo Guide Indonesia Reef Fishes” by Rudie H. Kuiter & Takamasa Tonozuka – published by Zoonetics of Australia; second edition in 2004;

·        U/W images to be used in “Whales & Dolphins of the North American Pacific” by Graeme Cresswell, Dylan Walker & Todd Pusser – published by OceanGuides / WildGuides of UK in 2004;

·        U/W images to be used in “Cetaceans of the Eastern Pacific (temporal title)” by Paul Humann & Ned Deloach in 2004;

·        An Ocean Odyssey” – Stephen’s coffee table book, to be out in 2004.

Stephen has found a new species of Octopus from Indonesia, link  : http://www.stephenwong.com/New%20Species%20Octopus/.  This discovery has recently been confirmed by Dr. Mark Norman of Australia, a renowned specialist in Cephalopods (nautilus, squid, cuttlefish & octopus).

Stephen Wong’s Images have appeared in Photo Exhibitions & Public Slide Presentations

·Ocean for Our Children”: public photo exhibitions in HK Cultural Centre in summers of 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001 & 2002. 

·An Ocean Odyssey”: a 300-people public slide presentation at HK Stadium in July 1999. 

·Ocean Life”: public exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, at Old Museum in February 2000. 

·Blue Earth”: public exhibition in Tokyo, Japan at Sunshine City in April 2000.  

·Marine Life Slide Talk”: 200-people public slide presentations at HK Cultural Centre in August 2000, and corresponding photo exhibition at HK Cultural Centre in July 2000.

· BBC Wildlife Exhibition”: exhibition touring in Europe, USA, & Japan 2000, including the Natural History Museum, London, October 1999 to April 2000.

·Blue Earth”: public exhibition in Tokyo, Japan at Sunshine City in April 2001.

·Hong Kong Underwater Association & Swire Public Exhibition”, HK June 2001.

· PADI Project - Awareness through the Diver’s View 2001 – A Public Slide Presentation”, HK August 2001.

· Weekly photo-journals shown in “Sing Pao Newspaper” 2001, Hong Kong.

· “Nikon (Hong Kong) Showroom – Stephen Wong & Takako Uno, a Husband & Wife Photo Exhibition”, April to September 2002.

·  “Radio Talk Show, together with Mr. Stan Waterman, at MediaCorp”, Singapore, April 2002.

·Radio Talk Show at Metro Finance”, Hong Kong, May 2002.

· BBC Wildlife Exhibition”: exhibition touring over 30 venues in UK and 40 venues in 16 countries worldwide in 2003, including the Natural History Museum of London, October 2002 to April 2003.

· Photo Contest Judge for “Hong Kong Underwater Photographer of the Year – 2002” – organized by HK Agricultural & Fishery Department & HK Underwater Association, September 2002.

· WildAid – Shark Conservation Program, traveling Exhibition”, N.America & Asia 2002 & 2003.

· WildAid - Shark Awareness Event – Sharking”, October 2002, China Black, Singapore.

·WildAid’s Shark Awareness Event – Save the Whale Shark”, October 2002, Hong Kong.

·World Photo Expo 2002” – Nikon (Hong Kong) booth, a contributing photographer for the exhibition & presentation, Hong Kong, Dec 2002.

·  “BBC Wildlife Exhibition”: exhibition touring over 30 venues in UK and 40 venues in 16 countries worldwide in 2004, including the Natural History Museum of London, October 2003 to April 2004.

·Ocean for Our Children”: public power-point & slide presentation/exhibition, WWF (Hong Kong), Chinese Christian Church of Christ, HK, August 31st 2003.

·Wonders in Deep Waters” – a husband & wife photo exhibition of Stephen & Takako’s works, Sep/Oct 2003, Taikoo Place, Hong Kong, organized and sponsored by Swire Properties (Mother Company of Cathay Pacific Airlines).

·Ocean – a Slide Presentation at Aberdeen Boat Club (HK), October 2003.

· Marine Photo Exhibition – Ngee Ann City, Singapore, April 2004.

· The Beauty of Underwater World – a public slide presentation, organized and sponsored by Lotus Travel (HK) Ltd., Malaysian Airlines (MAS) & Olympus (HK) in HK Scout Centre (Hong Kong), April 2004.

·A Water Episode” – a husband & wife Photo Exhibition & slide presentation to be at Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Shatin, HK), June 2004.

·Bienal das Baleias” (a Whale & Dolphin Expo) – a Photo Exhibition on Pico Island, Azores, Portugal, organized by “Associação de Turismo dos Açores” in May-September 2004.

·Celebrate the Sea Marine Imagery Festival 2004” – Master Artists Gallery, National Science Centre, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July/August 2004.

Stephen Wong’s Photographic Awards

*1995 CMAS 50 Judges - Silver Medal (Fish Category) & Honorable Mention (Close-up Category);

*1996 Cable TV (HK) Wildlife Photo Contest – Winner;

*1996 Royal Photographic Society Slide Contest - Honorable Mention (Nature Category);

*1996 BBC BG Wildlife - Silver Star (U/W Category);

*1996 Seaspace - Honorable Mention (both Macro & Open Slide Categories);

*1997 Kodak Oceanz (New Zealand) Mar 97 - Winner (U/W Section);

*1997 CMAS 50 Judges - Bronze Medal (Close-up Category) & Honorable Mention (Fish Category); 

*1997 Hong Kong Underwater Photographer of the Year, including Winner-Portfolio, Winner-Behavioral, Winner/2nd/3rd-Macro, 2nd/4th-Wide Angle; 

*1998 Hong Kong Underwater Photographer of the Year, including Winner-Portfolio, 2nd-Wide Angle, 2nd-Marcro; 

*1999 Marine Photo U/W Contest - Honorable Mentioned (Nature Section); 

*1999 Kodak Oceanz New Zealand - 2nd Place & 2 finalists (U/W Panorama Category), 2nd Place (U/W Marine Life Category), 3 finalists (U/W Static & Plant Life Category); 

*1999 LAUPS - Highly Commended (Wide Angle); 

*1999 BBC BG Wildlife - Highly Commended (U/W Category), published in BBC book (Portfolio 9) and exhibitions touring over 40 venues in Europe, USA, & Japan in 2000; 

*2000 Marine Photo U/W Contest - Honorable Mentioned (Nature Section); 

*2000 BBC BG Wildlife - two Finalists (both in Underwater World Category); 

*2000 Kodak Oceanz New Zealand – including Best of Show, First Place (U/W Marine Animal Life), Third Place (U/W Panorama);

*2000 LAUPS – First Place (Aquatic Related topside);

*Marine Photo U/W Contest 2001 – 2 Honorable Mentioned (Free Section & Nature Section);

*2001 BBC BG Wildlife – Semi Finalist (Underwater Category);

*2001 Kodak Oceanz New Zealand – 2 Finalists (U/W Marine Animal Life Category) & 2 finalists (U/W Panorama Category);

*2002 BBC BG Wildlife – Highly Commended (World in Our Hand Category) & 3# Semi-Finalists (2 in Gerald Durrell Endangered Wildlife & 1 in Animal Behavior Categories), published in BBC book (Portfolio 12) and exhibitions touring over 70 venues in 17 countries worldwide in 2003;

*2002 Trofeo delle Bocche (Italy) – Special Mentioned (Slide Wide Angle Section);

*2002 LAUPS – Highly Commended (Wide Angle Slide);

*2003 Concurso Fotosub “Revista-Aquanet” (Spain) – Finalist (Wide Angle Section);

*2003 BBC BG Wildlife – Highly Commended (Gerald Durrell Endangered Species Award Category), 1# Finalist (Animal Behavior Mammal Category) & 2# Semi-Finalists (1 in Gerald Durrell Endangered Wildlife & 1 in Animal Portraits Categories), published in BBC book (Portfolio 13) and exhibitions touring 70 venues in 16 countries worldwide in 2004.  The related Highly Commended image is also being used in BBC/the Natural History Museum Wildlife 2004 Calendar.

Recent Direction

Lately, Stephen Wong has started to focus more on blue water animal photography, with
particular emphasis on animals such as whales, dolphins and sharks. Though the chances of encountering these majestic monoliths while riding on the vast oceans seem rather slim, it is nevertheless a rather unique and challenging experience.  The reward is not the photo itself anymore, but rather the pulsating experience that funnels.

Photo Epilogue

“I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not interested in the ocean and more specifically, marine life.  The opportunity to breathe underwater and interact with the environment should not be overlooked by any diver.  I believe all scuba divers have a responsibility to inform the general public of the plight our oceans face.  I hope in some way, that my images can help people to learn how delicate and precious the ocean’s creatures truly are, and subsequently influence the types of changes necessary to save them for future generations --- Stephen Wong”

If you are interested in Stephen’s books & works for commercial purposes, please kindly
inform him on the particular subject by e-mail.  As to non-commercial context, he
welcomes your comments and critique.


Stephen Wong, April 2004

website: www.stephenwong.com

e-mail: saiwong@netvigator.com